Saturday, November 21, 2009

Look Younger

A Way to Look Younger Always
No matter how much we might want to, one thing we can never do is turn back the clock. When we are teenagers, we long for the years when we were watching cartoons and playing with our Barbie dolls, when we are in our twenties we long for our teenage years, when we are in our thirties we long for our twenties and so on. By thinking like this, perhaps we are wishing our lives away. That said, no matter how old we are, there is no reason why we can't improve our appearance and actually look younger than that number that is all but imprinted on our heads. If you are someone who wants to look younger (I'm guessing you are!) then you need to think about just how you can achieve this. Why you want to achieve this isn't really important. You want it - so there's no reason why you can't have it.
Where do you start? Firstly, what is it about your appearance that you would like to change or improve? Is it your skin? Is it your weight? Is it your teeth? For each of these specific areas, there are things you can do to make improvements. Eating healthily and exercising will of course always help you to look your best. If you can target these specific areas though, you could have your dream. Here's a rundown of some specific things that can make a woman look younger:
-Healthy weight
-Smooth, moist skin with no wrinkles
-Full, pouting lips
-Shiny white teeth
-Happy personal and social life
-Positive mental attitude
If you don't feel you have the last two of those, would having the first four help? I'm guessing the chances are it would. Most women need to have confidence in their appearance before they can feel great on the inside. That's just how we're wired up. We don't have to look like a supermodel to be happy, but so long as we accept and are happy with what we have, that's all that matters. Just putting a little bit of extra effort into your appearance will probably send your self confidence soaring. Just imagine the nice comments you'll get from your friends, family and work colleagues. "Wow, you look great!" "Looking good!" "I didn't recognize you for a moment, you look so much younger!" Let's be honest, comments like these make our day! If you want these comments each and every day, you can have them.

A Way to Look Younger Toujours
Peu importe combien on peut vouloir, une chose nous ne pourrons jamais faire, c'est revenir en arrière. Quand nous sommes jeunes, nous aspirons pour les années où nous étions regarder les dessins animés et de jouer avec nos poupées Barbie, quand nous sommes dans nos vingt ans nous aspirons pour notre adolescence, quand nous sommes dans la trentaine nous aspirons pour nos vingt ans et ainsi de suite. En pensant comme ça, peut-être sommes-nous souhaiter à nos vies loin. Cela dit, peut importe l'âge que nous sommes, il n'ya aucune raison pourquoi nous ne pouvons améliorer notre apparence et en réalité l'air plus jeune que ce numéro qui est tout sauf imprimé sur nos têtes. Si vous êtes quelqu'un qui veut avoir l'air plus jeune (Je devine que vous êtes!) Alors vous devez penser à comment vous pouvez atteindre cet objectif. Pourquoi vous voulez réaliser ce n'est pas vraiment important. Vous le voulez - il n'y a donc aucune raison pour que vous ne pouvez pas l'avoir.

Par où commencer? Tout d'abord, c'est quoi au sujet de votre apparence que vous souhaitez changer ou améliorer? Est-ce votre peau? Est-il votre poids? N'est-il les dents? Pour chacun de ces domaines spécifiques, il ya des choses que vous pouvez faire pour apporter des améliorations. Une alimentation saine et l'exercice sera bien entendu toujours vous aider à regarder votre meilleur. Si vous pouvez cibler ces domaines spécifiques cependant, vous pourriez avoir votre rêve. Voici un aperçu de certaines des choses spécifiques qui peuvent amener une femme à l'air plus jeune:

-Poids santé

-Lisse, peau humide, sans rides

-Full, moue des lèvres

Dents de Shiny White

Happy-vie personnelle et sociale

Attitude mentale positive

Si vous ne vous sentez pas obligé les deux derniers d'entre eux, serait d'avoir l'aide quatre premiers? Je devine que les chances sont qu'il le ferait. La plupart des femmes doivent avoir confiance dans leur apparition avant qu'ils ne puissent se sentir bien à l'intérieur. C'est juste la façon dont nous sommes branchés en place. Nous n'avons pas à ressembler à un mannequin pour être heureux, mais tant que nous acceptons et nous sommes heureux avec ce que nous avons, c'est tout ce qui importe. Vient de mettre un peu d'effort supplémentaire dans votre apparence va probablement envoyer votre confiance monte en flèche. Imaginez un peu les commentaires sympathiques que vous obtiendrez de vos amis, votre famille et vos collègues de travail. "Wow, tu es grand!" "Looking good!" «Je ne vous reconnais pas un instant, tu es beaucoup plus jeune! Soyons honnêtes, les commentaires comme ceux-ci font de notre journée! Si vous voulez que ces observations chaque jour, vous pouvez les avoir.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Look Your Best This Holiday Season

Always got a headache when it comes to a season where you need to meet the entire family or a little gathering with friends? Worried of looking not at your best? We'll give you a helping hand on this and it's handy for all occasion. Look your best and feel your best in this holiday season. Restyle your hair and make a little changes to your makeup and you'll look different again.

Remove your makeup and clean thoroughly before going to bed. Cleansing is essential to good skin care, if you are using oil-based makeup; remember to use oil-based cleansing cream. Another tip before applying your makeup, apply a layer of moisturizer first from face to neck after cleansing. The best time to apply your moisturizer and gain the best out of it is right after you shower when your face is still damp and can absorb the moisture.

When you makeup, foundation is always important as it helps you to enhance your skin complexion. It is wise to choose a foundation that is close to your skin complexion so you'll look natural that way and your skin smoother. Apply them onto your face and make sure it blends into hairline and neckline so that it looks balance. After that, set the foundation with loose powder that also closest to your foundation color.

Lips can be a very sensitive spot towards the weather especially in bad weather. How to know if you've got a good lipstick? A good lipstick contains moisturizer that helps you keep your lips moisture and hydrated and prevents you from the sun. Just remember to keep your lips moisturized all the time with vitamin E oil, petroleum jelly, lip balm or lip gloss.

Beautiful nails enhance your overall look and you'll definitely find pleasure in beautifying them. Nails work as a protector towards our flesh and protect them from small objects. Always clean your nails, removing the dirt beneath nails and polish them. It improves blood circulation and shines your nails. Apply two coats of nail polish, a base and a color and then a topcoat.

That's all for ladies and looking good is not meant only for the ladies. Men also have to look their best with their appearance. Make sure you are well-groomed to look attractive. You can be stylish or elegant, any styles that suits you best. Choose your proper dressing. If you have beard, keep them neat all the time as well as moustache. Nails are essential to be trimmed always. Once in a while scrub your hands and make sure you look after your dental hygiene as well for a killer smile.

Pamper Career Women

Everyone needs to be pampered furthermore if it's a career woman. Being a career woman is not easy where you have to be in the office to handle difficult tasks, meeting datelines and after that taking over the household chores at home leaving her with no time at all for herself. But that isn't going to help at all when career woman is still a career woman with the need to look presentable and attractive at her work place.

Now, all you have to do is free yourself a day in a week, preferably on a Sunday when you don't have to work and meet anyone at all. On this day, it should belong to a day all reserved for you. Rest and relax at home and beautify yourself, pampering to bits and you'll see changes in you when you go to work on a brand new day. This one day will be the day you look after your health and one tips to enjoy your day; be as lazy as you can and stay in bed as long as you want or stay away from your busy phone.

Start your day with a simple breakfast of a glass of orange juice and cornflakes with milk. After that, rest for a moment before locking yourself up in your bathroom for a good relaxing beautifying session. Before you do anything else, let's start with soothing your legs and arms, unnecessary hair on your face, wash and set your hair and finally fix your nails. It's a must-do chore weekly to ensure you're well-groomed.

After that you can have a break and take a cup of skimmed milk or tea or coffee and a biscuit. Then you can proceed to take your bath now after a short rest. Fill your bath tub with lukewarm water and add in your favorite essence. Lie there for about 10 minutes thinking of absolutely nothing at all that will make you stress or think of all your happy moments. After enjoying the dip, get out and pat yourself dry before doing facial.

Come out from your bathroom refreshed and rejuvenated. Get change and take your lunch. Take something light like steamed chicken or fish, one green or yellow vegetable, one salad of raw vegetables and fruit you prefer. Then go to bed after a short rest. Don't worry about anything else for for the coming six days, you'll still look fresh.

After you wake up from the nap, enjoy your tea time with tea, coffee or milk and a biscuit. During dinner, you can cook yourself a soup, mutton stew, and bread and have some fruits. Before you go to bed, take a cup of skimmed milk with honey.

Just make sure that you clean your face every morning and night as when you're out in the day, the dust will stick to your skin more. When you're back after an exhausting day, remove your makeup first before going to bed. Rub a little blended cream of milk with lime juice and turmeric powder. Your skin needs to be nourished every day after a tiring day out.

Wear just foundation and light lipstick to work and bring your makeup kit along to ensure you look the best all the time. Make sure also you look closely on personal cleanliness so that you'll stay fragrant and fresh throughout the whole day.

Pamper yourself at least once a week. Your skin and mind needs to rest too.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Green Tea A Day

Many didn't realize the benefits that green tea can give to our body. Some might love the taste of green tea some just don't really like it as it tastes very 'green'. But to your surprise, we can ensure you that green tea is a healthy tea that benefited your health and even beauty. As you realize there are more products in the store with green tea as ingredients and there's also more and more green tea brand. The benefits include everything about health, weight loss and aging reduction.

• Green Tea Extract
Green tea extract is said to be loaded with antioxidants that is good for our body and helps protect us from looking older then our actual age. The antioxidants keep us away from the free radicals that can cause aging, cancers and heart disease as well as lower our cholesterol, decrease our chances of getting cancers and heart disease. Protect your body with a cup of green tea every day.

• Diet and Weight Lost
Besides increasing our metabolism rate to burn fats and calories at a faster speed, green tea also contains an ingredient that helps to clean toxins in our body. That's how they help in increasing our metabolism rate. They also help to enhance our daily energy with less caffeine and it will definitely keep your mood on par every day. Daily intake of green tea especially after a heavy meal will definitely keep you energetic and cheerful every day. It's a healthy diet and it helps a lot in losing weight.

• Anti-Aging Tea
As you can see in stores, there are many beauty products that come with green tea extract. The benefit of antioxidant found in green tea extract has become popular these days as they can be used as a natural exfoliate to help reduce your wrinkles as you age and as a refreshing moisturizer as well. There are many causes to problems like wrinkles and sunspots but they can be treated and well maintained with green tea. Not to forget, green tea is also used in toothpaste for the natural fluoride they contain.

• The Green Tea
You probably will ask when is the best time to take green tea so that you can absorb the most nutrient out of it or likewise, where to get them? It's not hard to get green tea, the tea itself and also the green tea products. It's everywhere in the stores and it's affordable. There are beauty products as well as health products like vitamin supplements in pharmacies or do-it-yourself with simple recipes. You can cook with green tea or make them into facial scrubs.

Green tea is now widely used by people around the globe when the benefits of green tea slowly shine. They are affordable and are a natural ingredient without additional chemicals. Therefore the health benefits are trusted by many consumers. Go try them out yourself and see the changes in you.

Fragrance and Personality?

Choosing a perfume to your liking is as easy as snapping your fingers but it can be hard that you need to scratch your head when there's a wide selection for you to choose from. But did you know that fragrance can represent your personality? The perfume you use tells people about you and what kind of person you are whether you're a tough person, the girly kind, sexy, young and sweet, one with personality or sporty. It's not only about you, liking the scent or not. Often, there are people who like a particular scent and some don't. It reflects on your lifestyle as well.

When you go for perfume shopping, take your time to hunt for the right one before deciding on the one that suits you best. It might take you weeks to get one, but trust us, it's worth the time. As they reflects the inner you, only the one that you think is the most suitable will last longer. Even if you've decided to change one, the fragrance will still fall on the same category.

It often happens that the perfume doesn't smells the same as the one you sprayed at the samples counter as sometimes, your nose did some tricks on you. After a while of smelling it, the scent slowly fades away and blends with your surroundings and turning into a different scent. It's not about the perfume, but your nose just decided to smell differently. Don't try too many samples at a go, and start with the lighter ones before sampling the richer scent. Take a break in between before you start sniffing on samples again.

Colors of the packaging often tells you what kind of perfume it is whether it's a strong one or a lighter one or whether it's the floral scent or fruity. You can always find some information on the bottle, so read them over before trying them. Often brighter colors reflect fruity scent and those in pastel colors reflect floral scents. Either that or you can always ask the sales person for help and to collect more information and understand your own fragrant well. Thus, you'll get to know your own personality more.

It's always best to take a break in between samples and don't force yourself to get one now on the spot. Get some opinion from people and try a few more till you found your best.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Beauty in men : Razor Blades

Everytime after you finish shaving, clean and dry your razor blades thoroughly and soak them into mineral oil. When you need to use them the next time you shave, clean the oil with rubbing alcohol and it's ready to be used. The mineral oil helps to keep your razor blades sharp.

Beauty in men : Hands and Feet

Face is important. So does your hands and feet. Pamper them like you pamper your face. Make some time out from your busy schedule to maintain good nails hygiene. Manicure your fingers and pedicure your toes. It's a habit to be picked up in order to maintain better hygiene. If you have foot odor problem, remember to scrub your feet everyday and dry them thoroughly. To get better result, insert Odor-Eaters insoles into your shoes. It helps absorb your odor.

The Answer To Being Beautiful

It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder - well so does Beauty - the more you peer at something beautiful the more you yearn for it. Beauty injects an essence of elegance - an emotion felt within which comes with feeling good about your self. But leading a healthy lifestyle has to be the most important of all.

Health plays a major role in contributing to the beautiful feeling experienced when looking good. Many women tend to suffer from Beauty and the Beast syndrome - where one day an effort is made to look good and then the next - no matter what you do - it just is not happening. Why? Well it is no secret; there are two main key issues to take claim of being beautiful. and that is the (take 2 factor) number 1 look good and 2 is feel good - if you don`t feel good about yourself then don`t expect to look good.

Transformation can take place in the beauty department if you make a stand and sort yourself out. Your health dominates how you feel - how you look and how you think so any concerns that are causing you sorrow whether it be a health or beauty matter then remember a problem shared is a problem halved. Speak with your local GP and once you are given the all clear - take note of the change in your whole entity, a personality change comes with looking beautiful.

A fabulous way to find the beauty within - is to let it out. Inner beauty can be released by practising yoga. Yoga is an amazing exercise that understands what the body`s wants and needs are. Anxiety and tension bring on frowns - meaning more wrinkles, this is not part of any known beauty package. A beautiful person injects happiness and smiles that come from the heart (a healthy one)

Feeling good about your self is the first step in the right direction to making your beauty regime a more pleasurable one - guaranteed. Once you have claimed a content mind minus any matters of concern - it is then after you apply your beauty cosmetics you will notice the mirror image of yourself will be that of a changed person. Confront the reflection of the beast in the mirror and watch the beauty transformation take place. Notice how the facial skin turns to that of a fresh complexion - see how the lip gloss is now a glow. All because you feel good.

Beauty /Health magazines have wonderful ideas and tips on being beautiful and you will find many online support centres on beauty very fulfilling but what you have to bear in mind is, these beauty support groups on health and fashion do just that - give advice.

This is about you and being beautiful so regardless of whether the advice given, is by Sharon Stone, you are never going to experience that feeling of walking along the red carpet unless you feel good.

Elbow Care

Many people abandon their elbow thinking that people don't notice them. But do you notice that your elbow often looks darker than any part of your skin complexion? It gets darker each day with your daily brushing and knocking against it. It can be worst if your skin is dry or you have obesity problem. To solve the problem, you can try them at home using ingredients that you can always get at home.

The very first step you need is washing your elbow with warm water and then soap. Wash them gently careful not to hurt them. Then cut a lemon into half and squeeze all the juices out. Then add a teaspoon of baking soda into the lemon skin. Mix them well. The purpose of using baking soda is because baking soda can smooth rough skin.

Then scrub your elbow with the lemon skin where you put your elbow into the open side of the lemon skin. Rub the lemon skin in circles to scrub your elbow and help lighten it. Continue for another few minutes until you feel it's enough. Your elbow is sensitive areas so don't overdo it, just enough to scrub away the dead skin. Do the same with the other elbow.

When you're done scrubbing, rinse your elbow with warm water then dry them. After that, smooth them with the olive oil. Extend your hand when you apply the layer of olive oil so that your skin is all folded on the elbow. You'll get the desired result after a few days. Since you always neglect elbow care, it will take some time to absorb before showing the result.

If you don't have a lemon, only lemon juice is fine too. You can mix the juice with baking soda and remember to mix them well till they are in paste and move on to the following steps. Another note to bear in mind is that, right after the treatment, don't go out directly to the sun. It makes your skin bad.

You not only have to look after the face skin but also the overall body to look balance.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Beauty in men : Skin


Skin is always important especially your face as the first thing that people usually notice in you is definitely your face first. Proper cleansing and moisturizing is essential to look fresh always and not looking dirty. As men's pores are bigger than women, you'll always look slightly dirtier towards the end of the day and your skin gets oilier too. The best thing is to deep cleanse everyday with natural facial products instead of the one with added chemicals. Then gently scrub them with facial scrub. It helps shaving better after scrubbing. Last but not least is moisturizing. Use moisturizer with sunscreen in the day to help prevent wrinkles and protect your skin from the sun and when night comes, use a night moisturizer instead.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Beauty in men : Bald


Getting bald is just another common thing for men and it also marks the maturity. And it also means it's time you get yourself another look. Go to your hairdresser and ask for a shorter, cleaner haircut. You'll feel more comfortable instead of long balding hair. Another myth says that when you're balding on your head, other unwanted hair might grow in places like nose, ears and back. If you notice these unwanted hairs, trim or wax them and you'll look fresh again.


Quedando calvo es otra cosa común para los hombres y que también marca la madurez. Y significa también que es hora te metes otra mirada. Ir a su peluquero y pedir un corte de pelo más corto y limpia. Te sentirás más cómodo en vez de pelo calvo de largo. Otro mito dice que cuando se está quedando calvo en la cabeza, el pelo no deseado puede crecer en lugares como la nariz, las orejas y la espalda. Si nota estos pelos no deseados, el asiento o cera de ellos y te mirada fresca de nuevo.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Look And Feel Good Past 40

Be Young, Look Young, Stay Young And Feel Good Past 40
So you've just turned 40 or your even about to hit 50. It Really is no Big Deal. It has a lot to do with your Mind set. Attitude is everything. Personally I've been in my 40s for a few years now and generally I feel better than I ever have. So with that said, here are some ideas on how to turn 40 and feel great.
Firstly, its important to feel good about yourself. Accept you for you, no matter what. If there are certain things your not happy with and they can be changed, then look at changing them i.e. if your overweight and not happy, then look to getting fit, and in the meantime wear clothes that flatter you. Don't try and squeeze into sizes that are too small. Big people can look great in the right clothes, the same goes for any size, wear the right clothes, thee right fit and you can look just great. Few of us are totally happy with the way we look, too bigger nose, or big bottom or no hips.
The Secret is to concentrate on your Good Points, accentuate the positives. A big part of feeling good past 40 is Mind Set. Having a good attitude is imperative at any stage in life, but never more so as you get older. Always make an effort, with your appearance, with your clothes, with your face. I'm not saying go over the top, I am saying wear make-up, but 'less is more'... and someone wearing less make - up looks infinitely better than someone with it 'caked on'. However I do believe that wearing 'some' make up is important as you get older. Sunscreen is important, moisturizer AND make up on eyes, cheeks and lips, just to give you a lift as we get older.
Confidence and Attitude is Everything -Walk It, Talk It, Wear it, Flaunt It!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Your Inner Beauty

Take Care of Your Inner Beauty
Different people have their own perspective on beauty. Let us talk about beauty from a different angle!
We have our own criteria for judging the beauty of a woman or men. We look the beauty of a lady from a certain angle and then pass the remarks whether she is beautiful or not. It’s not fair. Let me tell every woman that she is unique and beautiful.
The business of beauty is thriving everywhere. Women are spending much of their time and money on buying beauty products. Even in the third world countries, women living below the poverty line, buy cheap and substandard beauty products, which give more harm to their skin than good.
It’s the fundamental right of every woman to look beautiful. Every woman wants to listen the sweet words “you are beautiful”. But the beauty of a woman is far from her looks or figure. Physical beauty is only one aspect while a beautiful charming personality is a complete blend of many fine characteristics such as good manners, etiquette, behavior, smile, intelligence, sense of humor, social and family values etc., all make a woman look beautiful and attractive.
Didn’t you know that there is a marked difference between a carefully hand woven expensive Persian carpet and a cheap machine made carpet. Both of these cannot be equated. A beautiful woman is like an elegant hand-knotted Persian carpet. Each and every silky, colorful thread of her character, nicely woven into her personality, gives a woman an everlasting beauty and attraction.
Looks are very important indeed but the characteristics of a person are much more important. Besides taking care of your physical beauty, why not think of improving your inner beauty. The beauty which everyone admires is becoming a rare commodity these days. While on your way to a beauty parlor keep on thinking ways of improving your inner beauty.
Take care of yourself and take care of your inner beauty. No doubt you are a beautiful person.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Beauty in Men : Gray Hair

Introduction to beauty in men

Grooming is essential to everyone, be it men or women, young or old. Most of the time, when you look into the mirror and notice that something is missing in you and that you started to age, you just have to do something and we often hope to look younger than our actual age. So, there's always a price to pay and you should start young to maintain and not wait until things got worst and you start to get worried. By then, you really have a sum to pay.

Gray Hair
For men, gray hair is

Monday, November 2, 2009

Beauty Tips : Look Beautiful Always

Look Beautiful Always

Trying to look pretty is what every woman is hoping to achieve and hence, mirror has become a part of their beauty life. It has become something very personal and even precious to them as they tell how they look like every now and then. Our looks, somehow has never change since we were born. The only changes that make us look different are the different expressions we have on our face and these expressions reflect what's within you.

Though we change the way we look physically, whether you get yourself a new hairdo, changing the way you dress or you get thinner or maybe gaining some weight, they are all only physical appearances. Not to forget that inner beauty counts too. The good and bad in us show somehow or somewhere inside us. They are all clearly written through our expressions and somehow through the little actions we made.

A person with a good heart,

Beauty Tips : Hand Care

Hand Care

Most people neglected their hands most of the time thinking they are only meant for achieving things. Though they are the most visible part of all and the most important tools in daily routines, they are always being ignored and not well taken care of. Instead, you gave your face all the unwanted attention rather than your hands. It's important to keep your hand soft and moisten all the time so that whenever you shake your hands with others, it will never give them a feeling of dry and itchy instead it gives them a feeling of comfort and warmth.

Here are the little tips

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Beauty Tips : Hair Care

Hair Care
Many people might overlook hair care and most of them do not know the importance of having stronger healthier hair. Here, we show you the very basic hair care that everyone needs. There are things that you need to pay more attention to in order to have a beautiful healthy hair. First of all, to achieve a good-looking shiny hair, you have to have a better health, right way of cleaning your hair and pay close attention to the cosmetic treatments you used.

To have a better health, watching your diet is important. The main reason that causes hair loss is due to the lack of iron and that leads to Anaemia. The lack of iron in blood is caused by the imbalance diet with very little meat, eggs, cereals or peas and beans. But, if your body has lack of Vitamin C, then your body will not absorb the iron. It is best to consume more fresh fruits and vegetable that provides you with the vitamins and nutrients that you need.

Cutting your hair only helps maintain the look of it but it doesn't help much in maintaining good hair. If you have a shorter hair, then cleaning the scalp is easier. As thorough scalp cleaning is essential to ensure dandruff-free hair, you should at least spend some time and more attention when washing them.

Excessive hair perming and dyeing will only lead to hair damage. It also depends on the individual scalp on whether how much their scalp can take if you need a hairdo regularly. Initially, hair scalp is hard but it'll slowly become swollen if too much damage is made to it like applying hair dye on a regular basis as it became allergic.

However, there is a solution to the problem above. You can first apply that dye on a spot on your arm. If irritation developed, then avoid your scalp from having contact with the dye. Bleaching leads to brittle hair as the ingredients used contains peroxide that will make your fine hair rough, having split ends or thick hair become thin and shortened.

Proper hair care is important if you want your hair to look just like those in the hair advertisements. Choose your shampoo wisely and those of that suit your scalp. Avoid beautifying your hair too much as it brings damage to it as well though you look beautiful with the brand new look.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fast-acting facials come straight from your kitchen

Just 5 minutes to glowing your skin

No need to buy expensive designer exfoliation products to keep your skin looking clean and healthy. Cheap foodstuffs can effectively slough off dead skin cells and leave your skin glowing, says Janice Cox, a Medford, Ore.-based beauty expert and author of Natural Beauty at Home (Owl Books, 2002).

Here's how to do it: Wash your face, and, leaving it damp, gently massage two teaspoons of one of the exfoliating foods (listed in the chart below) into your skin for two minutes. Rinse your face with warm water. If you have normal or oily skin, exfoliate once a week. If you have dry or sensitive skin, do it once every two weeks.

If You Have ... Then Make an Exfoliating Facial with ...

Normal skin  ---------->   Sugar
Oily skin       ----------->  Cornmeal
Dry skin        ----------->  Almonds, hazelnuts, or walnuts (ground to a
                                          flourlike consistency)
Sensitive skin --------->   Oatmeal (ground to a flourlike consistency)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Beauty Tips : Another Way to Look Pretty

Look Pretty Always 

Trying to look pretty is what every woman is hoping to achieve and hence, mirror has become a part of their beauty life. It has become something very personal and even precious to them as they tell how they look like every now and then. Our looks, somehow has never change since we were born. The only changes that make us look different are the different expressions we have on our face and these expressions reflect what's within you.

Though we change the way we look physically, whether you get yourself a new hairdo, changing the way you dress or you get thinner or maybe gaining some weight, they are all only physical appearances. Not to forget that inner beauty counts too. The good and bad in us show somehow or somewhere inside us. They are all clearly written through our expressions and somehow through the little actions we made.

A person with a good heart, calm and peaceful inner reflects their true beauty even if they are 50 years in age. So, it's always the simple-looking, down-to-earth people who catch other people's attention and leaving their very best first impression to people. These people always look positive and so does their thinking and actions.

Mindset it the main reason behind inner beauty and how you reflect them depends on how you think and live. And positive or negative mindset reflects both different beauty in you. Just stay positive always and be good to everyone. Having a simple mindset is always better then complicated ones as you'll have countless problems hunting you that lead to the unhappy you.

You can still enhance your true beauty with just little cosmetics and that's all that you need to shine like the brightest star!

Beauty Tips : Hand Care

Hand Care
Most people neglected their hands most of the time thinking they are only meant for achieving things. Though they are the most visible part of all and the most important tools in daily routines, they are always being ignored and not well taken care of. Instead, you gave your face all the unwanted attention rather than your hands. It's important to keep your hand soft and moisten all the time so that whenever you shake your hands with others, it will never give them a feeling of dry and itchy instead it gives them a feeling of comfort and warmth.

Here are the little tips that give you a perfect pair of hand and what's more? It prevents you from getting shoved away by your loved ones and instead holding them firmly in theirs!
1. Almond oil can be added into your dishwater when you clean your dishes. It helps soften your hands as the water     work their way to soft your rough hands and the oil to moisten it. Just add a teaspoon and that will give you a miracle     while you can wash your dish without worrying about rough hands.
2. Use sea salt lemon and with the help of old toothbrush, you can brush the solution slightly onto your hands. Scrub     away all the dead skin cells twice a week and your hand will be soften.
3. After washing your hands thoroughly with warm water, rub your hands against a coarse washcloth. Then, apply honey     and olive oil, a teaspoon each on your hands before placing them in small plastic bags. After that, put on a pair of     cotton gloves and leave your hands in it for about 30 minutes. With the help of the heat, your hand is moisture.
4. Soak your hands into a cup of warm milk heated to the temperature you are comfortable in and it helps to strengthen     your nails and skin hydration. The milk contains high calcium that will help in strengthening your fragile nails.
5. Either way, you can apply a layer of Vaseline onto your hands before you go to bed, then put on a pair of cotton gloves     and leave them on till the next morning. You hands are guaranteed to be as soft as baby's skin.
6. When you do your house chores, remember to put on a pair of gloves. Detergents are bad to your hands and nails.     When they are exposed long term in water, they swell and when it's dry, they shrink back and soon, you'll have to deal     with brittle nails.

Beauty Tips : Hair Care

Hair Care
Many people might overlook hair care and most of them do not know the importance of having stronger healthier hair. Here, we show you the very basic hair care that everyone needs. There are things that you need to pay more attention to in order to have a beautiful healthy hair. First of all, to achieve a good-looking shiny hair, you have to have a better health, right way of cleaning your hair and pay close attention to the cosmetic treatments you used.

To have a better health, watching your diet is important. The main reason that causes hair loss is due to the lack of iron and that leads to Anaemia. The lack of iron in blood is caused by the imbalance diet with very little meat, eggs, cereals or peas and beans. But, if your body has lack of Vitamin C, then your body will not absorb the iron. It is best to consume more fresh fruits and vegetable that provides you with the vitamins and nutrients that you need.

Cutting your hair only helps maintain the look of it but it doesn't help much in maintaining good hair. If you have a shorter hair, then cleaning the scalp is easier. As thorough scalp cleaning is essential to ensure dandruff-free hair, you should at least spend some time and more attention when washing them.

Excessive hair perming and dyeing will only lead to hair damage. It also depends on the individual scalp on whether how much their scalp can take if you need a hairdo regularly. Initially, hair scalp is hard but it'll slowly become swollen if too much damage is made to it like applying hair dye on a regular basis as it became allergic.

However, there is a solution to the problem above. You can first apply that dye on a spot on your arm. If irritation developed, then avoid your scalp from having contact with the dye. Bleaching leads to brittle hair as the ingredients used contains peroxide that will make your fine hair rough, having split ends or thick hair become thin and shortened.

Proper hair care is important if you want your hair to look just like those in the hair advertisements. Choose your shampoo wisely and those of that suit your scalp. Avoid beautifying your hair too much as it brings damage to it as well though you look beautiful with the brand new look.

Beauty Secret

To look beautiful and youthful

There are many beauty secrets to follow that have transcended former techniques, but many remain timeless and we will outline these simple beauty secrets in this article.
Each year, there is a new batch of beauty secrets, as well as a few timeless classic tips that are still religiously recognized. In today's society, many turn to celebrities to find out what is the new style, latest trend or most recent batch of beauty secrets.
The Myth of the Stars
Throughout Hollywood, there are plenty of beauty secrets that you are not aware of when you see your favorite actor or actress on the silver screen.
If you think that they have the clearest, smoothest and healthiest skin, you are sadly mistaken.
Celebrities are most certainly plagued with the same problems that everyone else suffers from, including scarring, acne, skin irritations, as well as the effects of aging.
The beauty secrets that they possess are extra measures that they take to ensure the public does not encounter these flaws.
Spa treatments are a popular beauty secret of the stars, where they not only receive pampered treatments, but can indulge in the repairing effects of some of the available products.
Celebrities come to these spas in order to receive skin resurfacing, laser treatments, as well as state-of-the-art skin peels and massages.
Products to ease skin irritations and dry skin can also be purchased from a spa, when going to one is not an option.
These items can cost up to $150 for a face cream or as low as $35 for a skin repair product.
Although celebrities turn to procedures, such as eye lifts, face lifts and removal of bags under the eyes, there is a beauty secret that is quite easy-to-follow.
Beauty Secrets For All
It simply involves the use of an eye cream.
Secret 1 - Eye Cream
A small amount of cream underneath and around the eyes can ease the signs of wrinkling and aging. Another beauty secret regarding the skin, involves the use of a good cleanser on the skin.
Secret 2 How to Prevent Fine Lines
Learning what works best with your type of skin and you will be well on your way to protecting your face from future damage.
Retinoid creams have been said to prevent fine lines from turning into wrinkles.
Another beauty secret that will not only save your face from damage, but also could save your life is staying out of the sun.
Wearing a hat on a sunny day, as well as laying on the sunscreen, can protect the skin from some of the most avoidable skin damage.
You may not have considered this a beauty secret because it is something your mother probably has told you a million of times, but standing up straight not only presents a confident aura about yourself, but can actually make you appear ten pounds thinner, as well as take five years off of your appearance.
4. Sleep
Another beauty secret that is a no-brainer is to get a good night's sleep.
When a person isn't getting enough sleep, their eyes become puffy and red; skin appears dull and lifeless; and their face sports a sagging appearance.
More Beauty Secrets
Other beauty secrets include: shaving in a steamy shower for an easier, closer shave; exfoliating the skin to promote circulation and softness; as well as wearing sunglasses to prevent the wrinkles that develop from squinting.
Being beautiful does not cost a fortune and the simple beauty secrets above can be done by anyone and will help keep you looking your best.

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